
Helping Others Facilitates Well-Being for Indigenous Peoples in Canada Living with HIV/AIDS

This video shares the methodology and findings of the project "Using Two-Eyed Seeing to Investigate How Helping Others Facilitates Well-Being for Indigenous Peoples Living With HIV/AIDS in Canada". This project was in partnership with Communities, Alliances, and Networks, and was conducted for my undergraduate honours thesis at the University of Victoria. 

Research team members: Brittany C. Skov, University of Victoria/Lakehead University; Dr. Frederick Grouzet, University of Victoria; Renee Masching, Communities, Alliances, and Networks; Dr. Randy Jackson, McMaster University; Doris Peltier, McMaster University; Donald Turner, Dudes Club; Michael Parsons, Communities, Alliances, and Networks; Charlene France, Communities, Alliances and Networks. 

The GIPA Homefire: Understanding IPHA Leadership towards a Wholistic Response to STBBIs 

Creating a Province-Wide Two-Sprit Model of HIV Self-Testing, Treatment, Care and Support: Paving the Path Towards Ending AIDS by 2030 

Through the IndigiNerds program at the McMaster Indigenous Research Institute, I worked with the Feast Centre for STBBI Research and 2-Spirited People of the First Nations. 

For more information, and to view my poster, click the link here. 

Learning Module: Indigenous Knowledge Gathering Tools

Through the LE,NOṈET program at the University of Victoria, and under the supervision of Dr. Charlotte Loppie, I assisted in the creation of a learning module on Indigenous knowledge gathering tools.